Back to beautiful Colorado in 2019 after a 3 year gap.
On the way to Denver watched the movie on US Supreme Court judge Ruth Ginsberg – “On the basis of Sex” who went to Harvard and Colombia universities. Quite impressed she spearhead the gender equality in USA.

Guess what I graduated the Mt. Harvard [14,420′] and Mt.Colombia [14,073′] together the next day. It was a tough hike when you add the unmarked traverse between them. Too much rock, no market trail, and you could easily get lost between the boulders. I did got lost twice, and spend extra one hour finding the route. The GAIA app gpx map did help, plus we have to have a sixth sense to predict a patch looking at the terrain. Do not try this traverse on your own!
And I dedicate this hike with a name – Ruth Ginsberg Hike
To top that I finished 2 more 14ers, Mt. Shevano [14,229′] and Mt. Tabegauche [14,155′] the next day. Thanks to my friend Kenan from Denver. One of my best hiking trips, Four 14ers in 2 days. 30 Miles and 12000 ft of elevation gain in 2 days.
Earlier 2 weeks before I did climb Mt. Huron with the 14ers fans club. And I did Mt.Shevano too. Looks like 6 14ers in 2019 in Colorado during the summer. Hope to grab some in the winter. Its beautiful out here, amazing small towns with awesome beer and great food, and great adventure loving people.